welcome to hello hello

join hello hello each week to catch all the latest news from around the web, with a focus on video games, movies, TV, and just pop-culture in general.

who is hello hello



1993 baby who didn’t grow up with games but somehow ended up becoming a Twitch streamer and is now her full time job!

jenz has interests in fitness, motorsport (F1), fashion, and entertainment.

currently Twitch is taking up most of her time but has enabled her to explore so many game genres and old classics, finally!



born in 1998, rammo grew up playing classics such as Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, Mario Kart, and then progressing onto games from the Xbox 360, and now mostly plays on his PC.

rammo is also quite the comic book fan, having started reading and collecting Spider-Man comics from when he was younger.

these days rammo also has an eye on design and fashion, most specialising in sneakers with bold colour schemes and wild designs.