Rainbow Six Mobile, New Tomb Raider, Gamepass Family Plans, Moon Knight Ep 1 thoughts

This week we've got a bunch of exciting news, starting us off with the announcement of Rainbow Six Mobile! We then finally get a release date for the newest addition to the Stanley Parable series, almost 3 years after its initial announcement. Jenz and Rammo then cover two brand new games that are on the horizons, with the announcement of the newest Tomb Raider game, and we're also getting a brand new Monkey Island game! To wrap up this weeks episode, Rammo and Jenz discuss the rumours surrounding Xbox Gamepass' Family plans, and they also give their thoughts on Moon Knight Episode 1.


Rogue Factor new survival/action game, Xbox mini fridge, Sonys huge investment, Moon Knight ep 2


Breath of the Wild 2 DELAYED, PlayStation Plus updates, Moon Knight pre-emptive thoughts