Book of Boba Meh


Ok now I consider myself to be on the higher end of a casual Star Wars fan - I’ve seen all the movies and bits and pieces of Rebels and Clone Wars (the animated one), and I’ve played a fair few of the games. But I haven’t consumed any of the extended universe from the multiple comics and novels that have been written over the years.

When Boba Fett made his triumphant return to the live action universe in season 2 of The Mandalorian, I like many other fans of Star Wars were extremely excited to see our favourite bounty hunter back in action. I do know that technically Boba Fett has been ‘alive’ in the extended universe for a good while now, but this to me (and probably many others), was the first we had seen of him in a long, long time.

So when it was announced that he was getting his very own show, we thought we would be getting a Boba Fett that was out for vengeance, hunting down those that had turned their back to him. But instead we got this:

I feel like I’m being a bit too critical, because I did enjoy myself overall. There were some standout parts from the season, but none of them really ended up featuring the guy who’s name is in the title. Almost all of my favourite scenes ended up being in the last 3 or 4 episodes, and they mostly featured Din Djarin, Grogu, and Luke and Ahsoka.

Now I do understand that Disney did need to flesh out Boba bit more, which is why it might not have felt much like the Boba Fett that we grew up with. Hell, the old Boba had like 6 lines of dialogue and mostly just nodded. But to me it just felt like he was a watered down version of what he once was.

I am expecting there to be a second season of The Book of Boba Fett, with him handing out bounties to those that come seeking for them. And this would allow them to utilise some of the other characters that they introduced throughout the show like Krrsantan and Fennec (even though she has been fleshed out a bit already). Overall I would probably give the season as a whole a strong 6-7/10, with the last few episodes being the strongest out of them all



I feel like the title of this blog post perfectly sums up how I feel about the show, pure meh. I really wanted to love the show, I really did but it just never hit like Mandalorian did which was really disappointing! Honestly the only episodes I enjoyed were when it turned to Mandalorian part 2 which really is disappointing but hey, let’s try talk more about the good (and the bad).

What I did enjoy about the series was learning about Boba’s past, especially learning what happened after he was fell into the Sarlacc pit. So learning how he escaped and the fact that he had lived through what was exciting. Other than that, I really thought the show felt so hollow, too clean and empty if you know what I mean. The locations were so lacking and felt really empty, the fighting scenes were so bad in my opinion, with the choreography and it just didn’t feel like it hurt at all. The thuds were so light and I just couldn’t connect with that. Another thing I absolutely disliked were the cyberpunk gang, the name of which I do not remember, but they just seemed SO out of nowhere for the universe, and don’t get me started on their primary colour scooters they used to navigate the lands. YUCK.

I am very critical of the show and really found it disappointing but I loved seeing Baby Yoda again, and that’s about it :(


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